Step 1.

Locate the email from Hiscox

If you did not receive an email, please check spam folders and alternate or shared emails. View the 'Quick Start Guide' to 'Create an Account.'

Step 2

Click on Update Password

To set your password, click on the update password button to begin the process.


Step 3.

Enter your email

Enter your email (matching the account set up) and select the button 'Send verficiation code'


Step 4.

Monitor your email

Watch your email for a verification code. Once received go to step 5. If you don't receive it within a few minutes go to step 5 to request a new code.


Step 5.

Enter verification code

Enter the verification code and select 'Verify code.' If you did not receive the code, select 'Send new code.'


Step 6.

Enter your new password

Type in new password both in the 'New password' field and the 'Confirm new password' field. Click 'Continue'.


Step 7.

Go to your partner's portal and log in! Review and update user profile


Select 'Account' on the menu bar and 'Profile' to review and make updates to your profile and partner defined fields. Toggle between partners from the account option in the menu bar. 